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Eden's story begins here!

004: Thrown to the Wolves

Eden beat the bag for three minutes straight, unrelenting until the timer beeped three times. She heaved and huffed as she pulled her gloves off.


“What's his name?” Eden asked.


“Kaen Brannun,” Coach answered. “Tribal lad from the gift lands.”


“He's from Waelcombe?” Eden continued to question. “They organise their own fights up there.”


“Yeah, well officially he has no record with the CBA, but he probably has plenty of experience in the ring,” Coach explained. “Apparently, he's been changing managers every month. Nobody wants to represent him. So he's starving for fights, there's not many people lining up to fight an unrepresented unknown.”


“Is he willing to fight me after… You know?” Eden asked. 


“Oh yeah,” Coach answered. “He sought us out.”


“Maybe he wants to start his official boxing career with a bang,” Eden suggested. “Do you think this fight is a good idea?”


Coach sighed and dropped the thinly padded folder onto his table. “I guess. It's just… We know nothing about him. And, to be honest, it's not you I'm worried about. He came to us for this fight and I think he's biting off more than he can chew. His ego could get him hurt.”


“Still, we shouldn't underestimate him,” Eden warned. 


“You're right,” Coach replied.


--- --- ---


Gold and green ink swirled over his rippling muscles, marking him with an outline of a pack of wolves. Eden had never seen tribal tattoos in person before. She had heard their tattoos told stories and wondered what story the wolf pack told.


A referee in black and white stripes introduced them both. Kaen was only a few lbs heavier than her. She saw two steel ridges on each of his forearms and it appeared that they had no offensive use. But Eden knew she could hurt herself if she struck them at a bad angle.


The referee told them to touch and both fighters pressed their fist to the other. Then the ref listed the usual rules. No biting, kicking, or headbutting. And no grabbing, no backhand hits, and no cheap shots after the bell. Then they were sent to their corners. 


“You see the scar on his chest?” Eden asked as soon as she was at her corner. 


“I don't care about no fucking scar,” Coach replied. “You put on an angry face, you get stuck in, and you don't stop hitting him until he hits the mat. No games and no messing about.”


“Are you sure?” Eden asked. “What about-”


“What about nothing!” Coach interrupted. “Look at him. He's coming to hurt you, so you hurt him worse.”


The bell rang.


“Scrap him, Eeds,” Coach shouted as she left the corner.


Eden came out of her corner fast to take the centre of the ring. Her opponent moved around the outside, skirting across the edges. He made no attempt to move closer or press forward.


“Come on, killer,” Kaen shouted across the ring.


Eden glided forward. She let loose a swift left jab. Kaen grabbed her hand and yanked her. She lost her footing as she was pulled forward. A gold wolf lunged as Kaen came in with a right cross. Eden saw his fist crash into her but she was powerless to stop herself moving straight towards it. Bare knuckles hit her face and split her lip. Her foot landed on the floor and she regained her stance. Kaen backed away with a big smirk on his face.


“Ref!” Coach shouted. “Have you got your eyes closed?!”


The crowd booed. But the ref was still moving around the ring to get out from behind Kaen.


Eden closed the distance again. Kaen moved around the ring, putting his back to the ref. He jabbed and Eden slipped past it. Before she could counter, he swung his fist back. The steel ridges on his forearm cut her cheek.


The ref moved around so he could see both fighters, too late. The rest of the round continued with Kaen blocking the ref’s sight before launching his illicit attacks. By the time the ref had moved, Kaen was back to playing by the rules. While the ref was watching, Eden managed to get a few decent hits in.


The bell rang to end the round. And Kaen threw a last punch, catching Eden in the stomach. She gasped for air as the ref forced himself between them.


“Corners, now!” the ref ordered.


Eden returned to her corner, but kept her eyes on her opponent.


“This ref’s useless,” Eden muttered.


“No talking, catch your breath,” Coach instructed. “We can’t trust anything this bastard does, even after the bell. Work the ring to keep the ref at a clear angle. If he does slip in front of the ref again, back away. Don’t play into his tactics.”


Eden nodded.


“Ref’s at his corner now,” Coach said. “Hopefully he’s getting a warning and the ref is better prepared this round.”


“Is this how the tribes usually box?” Eden asked.


“I have no idea,” Coach answered. “But Kaen knows he’s breaking the rules. Why else would he block the ref’s line of sight? You’ve gotta be smarter.”


The bell rang and both fighters emerged from their corners. Kaen tried to move around and block the coach’s sight again. So Eden kept a safe distance.


“I heard you’re a real piece of work, killer,” Kaen shouted. “Show me what you did to the last guy.”


Eden moved around the ring as the ref made his way to their side. And then she moved forward. Kaen tried to step around and put the ref to his back again. But Eden forced herself into his path, leading with a few left jabs.


Each time Kaen tried to block the ref’s sight, Eden either backed away or stopped him from moving round. All the while she kept peppering him with left jabs. As the second round drew to a close, Kaen’s annoyance was becoming clear. His attacks became more aggressive and he consistently tried to block the ref's sight.


The bell rang and Eden kept her guard up. Kaen pushed her but the ref split them before it could go any further. Kaen was marched back to his corner by the ref.


“You handled him better,” Coach said when Eden returned to him. “Seems cheating is the only way he knows how to box. He’s not putting up much of a fight with the ref watching his every move.”


They both watched the ref but could not hear what was being said over the rising clamour of the crowd. People had paid good money to watch a boxing match and they were not impressed with Kaen’s cheating. If the ref disqualifies the fighter, then the match ends early and they all wasted their money. At best, they got their money back but still wasted their evening.


Eden was sure that their minute of rest was over and the bell was going to ring at any second. But the ref came over to their corner.


“I’m getting tired of this mess real fast,” the ref said to Eden. “Whoever breaks my sight of both of you, loses points. If I hear you talk or taunt in the ring, you lose points. You clinch, you lose points. And if I see anything untoward or underhanded, you’ll be disqualified.”


“Why are you telling my fighter?” Coach questioned. “Kaen's the cheating bastard.”


“Both fighters get the same warning,” the ref answered. “Any funny business, from either fighter, will not be tolerated. Even if he starts it, you do not retaliate. You hear me?” Eden nodded. “Good.”


The ref gave a hand sign and moved out of the way. The bell rang.


Eden pushed forward. And so did Kaen. Was he finally going to meet her in a fair fight? A green wolf lurched as Kaen stepped close for a left hook. Eden leaned back and it narrowly missed. Then she felt a pressure on her foot and looked down. He had stepped on her foot and pinned her. The golden wolf came with a right cross. Eden took the hard hit to her guard. The wolf pack continued its assault against her arms. She kept blocking but could not step away to get any distance.


Then black and white stripes separated them. The ref pushed both fighters apart.


“Go to your corners!” the ref shouted. “In your corners, now.” He continued to push Kaen back into his corner. “Corner.”


Both fighters lingered in their corners, riled and ready. The round was cut short and neither of them wanted to step away from the fight.


After a moment, the ref took the centre of the ring with his microphone. “Ladies and gentleman, after reviewing the events of this match, our panel of judges have called a stop to this contest. Kaen Brannun has been disqualified for repeated illegal hits and continued unsportsmanlike conduct. As such, the winner of tonight’s match, by disqualification, is Eden O’Cay!”


There came a mix of cheers and boos from the crowd. Many were pissed off at the match being cut short after just three rounds. But still a few were cheering for Eden. The crowd’s favourite had won.


Coach pulled apart the ropes for Eden to climb through.


“Good work, Eeds,” Coach said. “I know it pisses you off, a cheat like that taking the piss out of our sport. But a win is a win. One more, all you need is one more fight in the ring and you’ll be looking at a chance at the championship.”


Eden pressed her hands to her face, where his metal ridges had cut her cheek. “Bastard.”


“All considered, a few small cuts and scrapes ain’t so bad,” Coach said. “He’s pissed me off, right and proper. But we can get a few scratches taken care of.”


They returned to the changing rooms at the back of the stadium. Away from the mixed crowd and the bright lights. Her crew from her corner followed. As soon as she sat on a bench, they were dabbing alcohol-soaked balls of cotton wool on her cuts to disinfect them. She had a few butterfly stitches to close the cuts on her cheek. Coach threw a thick gown over Eden to keep her warm. It only took a few minutes before they were headed back out to the carpark.


“Shit, I know it’s Autumn but the temperature dropped real fast,” Eden said.


“I reckon the roads might freeze over tonight,” Coach said and Eden nodded her agreement. “Oh, look out, I think we’ve got some fans.”


Eden looked up to see a small crowd had gathered around her car. They all huddled around each other, she assumed to ward off the cold as a group.


“I didn’t think I had fans,” Eden said.


Kaen broke free from the small crowd. They tried to hold him back but it was no use, only managing to pull his robe off. The pack of wolves lashed out at their prey as Kaen leapt forward. Eden barely saw the punch before it slammed into her face. She staggered backward, but instinct had her taking steps to steady herself and stay upright. Eden dropped into her boxing stance without a thought. Her guard came up before the next punch could hit her. The salty metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.


Kaen grabbed at her gown and used it to pull her close. Then came the bite, sinking his teeth into her shoulder. Eden cried out.


“You crazy bastard!” Coach shouted.


Eden reacted on instinct, driving an uppercut into his chin and knocking him backwards. As he fell, he pulled Eden’s gown off before landing on the floor. But he was quick to get back up to his feet. Again, he tried to grab her. This time he pulled her close and smashed his head against hers. His forehead crunched Eden’s nose.


She shoved him back and swung. But he caught her arm with a vice-like grip and twisted it. His knee came up to hit her in the gut. Pain shot through her body but she gritted her teeth and threw a viscous left hook with her free hand. She hit his nose and felt his blood splatter onto her. Eden struck again, before he could recover. And again. And again. She beat her aluminium-encased knuckles against his face, pulverising flesh and cartilage and bone. Until he collapsed.


Kaen splashed into a puddle, soaking the wolf pack on his back. Eden stood over him, panting, blood dripping from her fist. She watched him, ready and waiting, her whole body poised.


“About fucking time,” Kaen finally said before he spat out a broken tooth. He broke into a fit of laughter as his blood mixed with the puddle. “I’ve been waiting to see you get angry.”


“What is wrong with you?!” Eden shouted.


“I just wanted to see the killer everyone’s talking about,” Kaen replied.


“Then get back up,” Eden said. Kaen continued to laugh as he sprawled in the puddle. “Get up!”


Coach pulled her away and Kaen stayed on the floor. Blood dripped from his nose to stain his yellowed teeth. His laughter continued as they got into Eden’s car. The last Eden heard was his unsettling chuckle as she drove out of the car park.

Next: Issue 005

Next week, Eden goes into the ring against the woman from Rathski. Check it out on the 11th of October !

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